Your Story | Your Home Shooting

Familiar atmosphere during the shoot at your home!
Imagine you and your familiar surroundings becoming the setting for an absolute feel-good shoot: our home shoot. Here, in your home, everyone is relaxed. You, your better half, your children, even dogs and cats. Nothing is more important for the perfect photo than that people and animals feel comfortable and inhibitions disappear as if by themselves. That's why we come to you.
Imagine you and your familiar surroundings becoming the setting for an absolute feel-good shoot: our home shoot. Here, in your home, everyone is relaxed. You, your better half, your children, even dogs and cats. Nothing is more important for the perfect photo than that people and animals feel comfortable and inhibitions disappear as if by themselves. That's why we come to you.
Customised photo shoot!

For whatever reason, you don't feel like heading out into the hustle and bustle of the city? Not even to visit one of our many PicturePeople studios? But at the same time, have you been longing for a photo shoot that shows you and your family exactly as you really are? Unaffected, genuine. Simply authentic? Our home story shoots are for anyone who wants to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city or is simply looking for a change from a studio shoot. For families, couples, friends and anyone who wants to capture their time together in the language of love: Photos. Because memories last.
Perfect, imperfect!

We love it casual. Authenticity is the magic word. Our photographers aren't bothered by dog hair on the carpet, loose clothes on the laminate floor or children's toys on the kitchen table. Not everything has to be spotlessly tidy - we love and desire the normal "madness" that we all know. We want to arouse emotions of all kinds - laughing, crying, cheering, shouting ... everything is welcome. And in an environment where you really don't care what other guests think about you, because you are completely in the moment.
Homeshooting Impressions
Your home has more to offer than just four walls and a roof. And our home shoots are more than just a few photos and a good mood. They are for all of you,
- who like to take photos at home 🏡
- who want to relax after the birth 🍼
- who like to celebrate parties at home 🥂 who need variety
- who need variety 💫
- who like to include all their pets in the picture 🦆
- who like to take photos outside the studio set: in the bedroom, baking in the kitchen, romping on the sofa 🤼♀️
- who like to change their clothes 👗
- who appreciate special moments: Garden, house building, topping-out ceremony 🌳
- who are tied to their own four walls due to special circumstances🦽
Making of
Und falls es dich doch nach draußen zieht, begleiten wir dich bei:
- dem Hochzeitsantrag, den du deinem Lieblingsmenschen machst 💍
- deinem Junggesellenabschied 🎉
- der Taufe / Kommunion / Konfirmation deiner Kinder 👼
- einer sportlichen Outdoor-Aktivität, die festgehalten werden muss 🚵
- deinem liebevollen Umgang mit deinen Tieren auf deiner Ranch 🐴
- vielen weiteren Dingen, die möglich und machbar sind
Freedom of choice:
1 hour = € 349.99
2 hours = 499,99 €
2 hours = 499,99 €
The price includes a telephone consultation in advance.
From 2 hours all digital photos are included.
The prices include a journey of up to 30 km (each additional km = € 0.35).
Homeshooting Ideas

Wir sind Christian und Ricarda (Gründer & Geschäftsführer von PicturePeople). Aus eigener Erfahrung können wir sagen, dass sowohl die Studio-Fotografie als auch die Home-Fotografie ihre Berechtigung haben. Die ersten Tage nach den Geburten unserer beiden Kinder, haben wir ganz entspannt und ruhig Fotos im eigenen Zuhause gemacht. Einige Zeit später haben wir dann die Studios auseinander genommen, was nach wie vor beiden Jungs extrem viel Spaß macht. Die Mischung macht's. Probiert es aus und nehmt uns mit in euer Haus, eure Wohnung, in den Garten oder in eine andere Location, in der Taufen, Geburtstage oder andere Jubiläen stattfinden. PicturePeople begleitet euch euer Leben lang. Denn Erinnerungen in Form von Fotos sind einfach unfassbar wertvoll.